How I make Minecraft Skins


Blog Post 1

How I make Minecraft Skins

In this post I plan to describe how I make custom skins for Minecraft to potentially use in an in game battle. First I load up a pre existing skin to use as a template. 

Minecraft skins have two layers the Body

And the overlay

After loading I erase the overlay to get it out of the way then use the Colour picker tool to copy the skin colour and remove most of the hair and head details 

Then I use photoshop to copy the colours of official art of the character I’m trying to make. Generally I use the Fate Grand Order sprites. It is best to start with all the colours needed for the head, eye colour, hair colour plus anything else that might be on the head such as earrings. How I construct the hair is by using the overlay to add a bit to the front

Next is grabbing a colour for the body. It can help a lot to first map out where the detail is by using bright colours that are not close to the ones you will use

For Armor and fur I like to shade it to distinguish it from the rest of the skin I do it with the hexcode and taking away 3 from all the values hexcodes. Hex codes use both letters and numbers. The highest is F and the lowest is 0 it goes from f e d c b a 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0, and is spilt into 3 values RED GREEN AND BLUE, this is hexcode #F4E27F. I will now show how I take away 3 from each, first up is red the F4 so take away 3 and it becomes F1 but then the green E2 take away 3 from that and it becomes DF then the blue take away 3 is 7C so now the Hexcode is #F1DF7C after the body is done then the arms or legs depend on what I feel like and once all are done then skin is done. That is how I make skins.


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